The Young Archaeologists’ Club (YAC) is the only UK-wide club for young people aged up to 17 interested in archaeology. The club is run by Council for British Archaeology (CBA), an educational charity working for over 65 years to promote ‘Archaeology for All’. YAC’s vision is for all young people to have opportunities to be inspired and excited by archaeology, and to empower them to help shape its future.
The Young Archaeologists’ Club was started nearly 40 years ago in August 1972 by Dr Kate Pretty. Its name back then was Young Rescue and it was the junior branch of RESCUE, the British Archaeological Trust. Initially it was just going to be based in Cambridge but after publicity in The Times it was launched as a national club.
There are two parts to the Young Archaeologists’ Club (YAC):
- YAC UK is a magazine based subscription package aimed at young people up to the age of 17 who are interested in archaeology.
- The YAC Branches are a network of local branches where young people up to the age of 17 can get involved in hands-on activities on a regular basis.
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